Black Swan

Black Swan
"I was perfect"

Thursday, June 10, 2010

Why OKC Will Always Be Home To Me.

A few days ago I took a mini vacay down to D-Town (Dallas, Texas) to visit my main trick Jordan. It was intense.

We went to this skank club S4 and it was legit-ish. Next day we did some mini-shenanigans around Dallas and Tuesday we hit it hard all over the Dallas area. It was Drama. Drama Room (which is a bar/club in Dallas, HAHA).

ANYWAY, we had to drive back Wednesday and Newby was a shit mess, Ke$ha style, so I had to drive back which is never a good idea but it is quicker. Let me just say, me driving in Texas is a bad, BAD idea. I am probably one of the worst drivers ever, seriously I'm like 6th in the all time list, right behind Lohan and a couple of Asians. Needless to say when I was driving my way out of Dallas I almost died at least 17 times. Texans drive without rules, there I said it, they make decisions and go for it with no worries for their livelihood or anybody else's. I drive like a blind handicapped child so that is a problem for me. As soon as I made it into Oklahoma I let out a much needed sigh of relief. Damn, shit, WHY CAN'T TEXAS DRIVERS CHILL OUT FOR 2 SECONDS. For real, think about the chaos you're about to cause homies.

Point of this situation is that as soon as I hit Norman and Moore on the way back I flipped shit cus I just wanted my beloved OKC back. I think I am truly one of the only people who loves living in OKC. I love almost everything about it. I love the weather, the people, the local news, everything. And everytime I go visit a city like Dallas or Austin or Tulsa I do have fun for a couple days but after a while it seems like it's time for me to go back to my favorite place on Earth. Besides Paris, Texas, cus that's my shit.

I'm probably the only person who feels this way, but I don't care. I love Oklahoma City and I ain't afraid to admit it. Suck it haters.

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