Black Swan

Black Swan
"I was perfect"

Thursday, June 3, 2010

Wake Me You Before You Go, Go

So lately I've been trying to catch up on some of my shows that I didn't get to watch during the school year for various reasons. Last night I started watching 'Justified' (which is the best cop show on television, besides 'Southland') and then 3 am rolled around so I decided I should probs get some sleep. My plan was to wake up at 8:30/8:45 and then finish up the rest of the eps before The View started. DON'T EVEN GET ME STARTED ON THE VIEW, BEST TALK SHOW EVER, I'll blog about it later. Anyway, I ended up waking up at noon. Yeah, I know. A good 3 hours later. Motherfucker. I missed The View and fucked up my schedule. The point of the story is that when you are a television addict, as I am, I cannot stress how important a strict schedule is. Especially when you have to throw in time for reading and shenanigans.

Here is a daily look at a typical weekday during my summer:

9:00 am-Wake up watch Ellen and The View, unless they're re-runs then either wake up and watch a show online or stay asleep.

11:00 am-Watch a show online. Trust me when you have as many shows as I do, there is ALWAYS a show that I need to catch up on.

1:00 pm-Get on facebook, check what's up with pop culture and celeb gossip. This can take roughly 30 mins to an hours.

2:00 pm-Read for an hour. There's always a book to read.

3:00 pm-Eat, aka get fed by my mother cus I can't fend for myself in the real world.

3:30 pm-Watch something random on TV. If I'm lucky Real Housewives will be on or Untamed and Uncut on Animal Planet (that's my shit) but usually it's something random until Gilmore Girl re-runs air on ABC Fam.

5:00 pm-Read either some more from a book or the current Entertainment Weekly mag.

5:30 pm-Around this I try to do something productive like read a play or something to do with acting, like the yoga and tongue stretches I was assigned to do for the summer.

6:00 pm-If my sister is home, which she never is, I try to spend some quality time AKA turn the telephone speaker on from the living room while she is talking on the phone in her room, just to see what's going on with her life. Sometimes if I'm lucky her cellphone will be laying around and I can read her texts. Usually though I just go to her room and we make fun of our mom or our family and then I'll either mess up her hair or pop her bra and run out.

6:15 pm-Back to reading, but usually I pass out for like 30 mins.

7:00 pm-Drink a Pepsi to refuel.

7:05 pm-Facebook/pop culture/celeb gossip, etc.

8:00 pm-There's usually something krunk on TV at this time so I'll watch TV for like deux heures.

10:00 pm-If I'm not going to do something illegal I'm watching Chelsea Lately.

10:30 pm-Either watch more TV online or get on facebook.

12:00 am-Online TV.

2:00 am-Read more.

3:00 am-Sleep and get ready to do it all over again.

I know some of may think it's lame but I love my life. And don't be hatin' just cause you can't be as relaxed as I am.

Gossip Girl.

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