Black Swan

Black Swan
"I was perfect"

Thursday, March 25, 2010

American Idol (please let this be the last season)

As you all may, or may not, know I pretty much cream my shorts for American Idol.
I don't care what anyone says, it's the best reality competition show on TV.
This season however, has been a (almost) complete shitshow.
Before I go off on whats wrong, and not wrong, with this season, let me give you my Idol background. Meaning let me explain to you why I love this show so much.

American Idol is one of those shows that you don't casually watch, nobody really likes American Idol. You must either LOVE it or HATE it. I've never met anyone who says "It's okay". I have heard both: "I'm fucking obsessed!!!" and "That show is annoying."

I, obviusly, love the show and everything about it, except Kara "Dumb-ass" Dioguardi but I'll talk about her later.

Here are the reasons I love Idol, and also the things that just make it so darn special to my heart:

-Simon Cowell, is the best judge on any show ever in the history of TV shows.

-The auditons: I love the really bad/hilarious (William Hung-She Bangs) to the amazing ones (Carrie Underwood, Kristy Lee Cook-even though she ended up being a joke). And of course every one in a while an audition becomes legendary (Pants on the Ground.)

-Hollywood Week: Also known as Hell Week. This is when the judges weed out the bad, from the really bad and the good from the really good. It makes for the best fucking television around. Fighting, tears, laryngitis, etc.

-The Ford Commercials: This isn't something I love about the show, but those commercials are always a good laugh. . .because they're soooo bad.

-Idol Gives Back: This is a new aspect of the show. Once a season, or every other season now, Idol has one episode that is dedicated to giving money to charities. I just like it cus they always get legit people to perform (K. Clark, Celine Dion, Miley Cyrus).

-Mentors: I love when Idol gets down to like 11 or 10 contestants cus that's when they break out the sometimes ridiculous, sometimes honest, mentors. The mentors are usually someone who is a famous singer and they usually helps the contestants with that weeks theme. Some highlights from mentors past include: Quentin Tarantino during Songs from Movies week (he was really good actually, Jamie Foxx during Big Band week (he was terrible), Jennifer Lopez during Latin week (good), Gwen Stefani during Gwen Stefani/No Doubt week (terrible), etc.

-The Theme Song: I FUCKING LOVE THE IDOL THEME SONG. It's probs the best theme song for a singing competition ever. The best part, it has NO LYRICS.

-The Coca-Cola cups: I want one of those god damn red cups the judges drink out of sooooo bad. For real.

-Paula Abdul, R.I.P: Once upon a time there was a judge on American Idol that literally had no fucking idea what was going on half the time. She wore the most ridiculous things, said the most incoherrent phrases, and clapped in the most awkward way ever. SHE WAS AMAZING.
My favorite Paula Abdul moment is when she judged both of Jason Castro's performances when he had only performed his first song. LOL. It hasn't been the same without her.

Now time for the list of things that I don't like about Idol this season:

-Kara "Dumbass" DioGuardi: Kara is a dumbass, literally she is a DUMBASS. She doesn't know anything about anything. Her facts are always wrong and she is trying way too damn hard to be the "cool" judge. Sorry bitch, but you and you're ridiculous mouth will never be cool, that's Simon's job. And Ellen's. And even Randy's. FIRE KARA.

-Amateurs: I've been watching Idol for 9 years now and let me just say there has never been such an untalented Top 12 ever. EVER. Paige Miles is complete shit. Katie Stevens is off pitch half the time. Tim Urban is a joke. Andrew Garcia looks like an idiot everytime his mouth opens. My god AND to make things worse this could all have been avoided if they would've just not kicked off Lilly (amazing), Katelyn (amazing), and Alex (amazing).

-The Lack of Drama: Each season of Idol comes with a scandal. Last season it was the tons of contestants that went to Hollywood even thought half of them had already had record deals and albums out before. And then there's Paula's affair that one year, and all those girls who've had nudey pics. This season there's nothing besides Crystal going to the hospital for diabetes. YAWN.

-Big Mike: I hate him. I just do.

To be fair there are some redeeming qualities about this season. There's Crystal Bowersox who is quickly becoming my favorite Idol contestant EVER. And Siobhan (amazing), Aaron Kelly (getting better), Didi Benami (she could be great if she picked better songs) and some others.

Also, Ellen Degeneres is a great addition to the judging table it would help if she was a tad bit meaner than she already is, I like her honesty but she's still trying too hard to be funny sometimes.

That's it on my Idol thoughts. Enjoy the rest of the season, I know I will (especially if Big Mike leaves next week).

1 comment:

  1. I was not following idol at all (I'm still not), so I did some research last night on iTunes and let me say that Bowersox has me floored. I have never seen that much talent in an idol performer. Dare I say she's TOO good for this show?
