Black Swan

Black Swan
"I was perfect"

Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Thank You, Mariah.

Let me start off by saying I don't believe in God. There, now that that's out of the way. Let me give an example of a piece of evidence that could prove God's existance. There is a piece of music out there. Better yet a piece of Christmas music. This piece of music features a batshit crazy, butterfly obssessed diva and lots and lots of sleighbells. And everytime time I hear this beautiful piece of music I can't help but dance, sing-a-long, and my whole demeanor just brightens up.

If there is one thing that could prove God exists, especially around the holidays, its "All I Want For Christmas Is You" by Mariah "Glitter" Carey.

I know tons of people around the world love this song. But I believe it is one of the greatest songs of all time. Not just Christmas songs. I can't get enough. I have probably heard it like 2546 times just this year alone. Can't get enough.

Anyway, let's move on. I just saw the trailer for the "Sex and the City 2" and it looks a lot more happy than the first one, which was pretty depressing. I'm a fan of Carrie and the ladies, but I'm not a die-hard fan, I generally prefer the show to the movies but I'll definitely see this in theatres (also, Miley Cyrus is making a cameo, score).

I was wrapping X-Mas presents yesterday and after finishing up all the gifts I purchased for everyone else I moved on to the gifts I bought myself. Yes I buy myself X-Mas gifts and I am not ashamed. I love gifting myself. Even if I already know what's inside. Please tell me I'm not the only who does this. I know there are other greedy bitches out there. Don't deny it.

Merry X-Mas Eve, Eve everyone. I won't say Happy Holidays cus Chanukah is over and I don't think anyone really celebrates Kwanzaa anyways.

See ya, wouldn't want to ya.

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